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Talks (講演リスト)

International Conferences / Workshops / Seminors

  1. On SDE gaps (Young forum),
    Summer school on Probability 2014 (2014/9/9〜2014/9/12),
    Shinshu University, 2014/9/11.

  2. Dynamical convergence of infinite particle system related to random matrices (invited),
    13th workshop on Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems (2014/11/5〜2014/11/7),
    The University of Tokyo, 2014/11/5.

  3. Finite particle approximations of interacting Brownian motions related to random matrices (refereed talk),
    38th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (2015/7/13〜2015/7/17),
    Oxford University, 2015/7/16.

  4. Finite particle approximation of infinite-dimensional SDE related to random matrices (invited),
    14th Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems (2015/10/26〜2015/10/29),
    RIMS (Kyoto University), 2015/10/29.

  5. Infinite-dimensional SDE related to random matrices -Finite particle approximation and the density preserving property-,
    Statistics & Applied Probability Department Seminar,
    UC Santa Barbara, 2016/2/24.

  6. Finite particle approximation and density preservation of infinite-dimensional interacting Brownian motions related to random matrices,
    The 46th Saint-Flour Probability Summer School (2016/7/3〜2016/7/15),
    Saint-Flour (France), 2016/7/4.

  7. Some property of infinite-dimensional Dyson's model with multiple tails (invited),
    15th Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems (2016/11/2〜2016/11/4),
    The University of Tokyo, 2016/11/2.

  8. Dynamical universality for infinite dimensional stochastic differential equations related to random matrices,
    The 39th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA2017) (2017/7/24〜2017/7/28),
    Moscow (Russia), 2017/7/24.

  9. Dynamical universality for infinite-dimensional interacting Brownian motions related to random matrices (invited),
    Japanese-German Conference 2017 on Stochastic Analysis (2017/9/4〜2017/9/8),
    TU Kaiserslautern (Germany), 2017/9/8.

  10. Mosco convergence for infinite particle systems related to random matrices (invited),
    16th workshop on Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems (2017/11/6〜2017/11/9),
    The university of Tokyo, 2017/11/9.

  11. Dynamical universality for the Airy random point fields (invited),
    Random matrices and their applications (2018/5/21〜2018/5/25),
    Kyoto universlity, 2018/5/21.

  12. Transitions between dynamics of infinite particle systems associated with universal random point fields related to random matrices (invited),
    17th workshop on Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems (2018/11/5〜2018/11/8),
    Kyoto university, 2018/11/5.

  13. Convergence theorems related to Airy interacting infinite dimensional stochastic differential equations (invited),
    Workshop on Random matrices, stochastic geometry and related topics (2019/3/14〜2019/3/16),
    National University of Singapore, 2019/3/15.

  14. Uniqueness of Dirichlet forms related to non-tail trivial random point fields (invited),
    Japanese-German Open Conference on Stochastic Analysis 2019 (2019/9/2〜2019/9/6),
    Fukuoka University, 2019/9/2.

  15. Stochastic analysis on infinite particle systems related to random matrices,
    Seminar at KU Leuven,
    KU Leuven, 2019/10/11.


  1. Finite Particle Approximation of Dyson’s Brownian Motion (poster session),
    Kick-off Meeting of IMI Australia Branch in La Trobe - Mathematics Bridge over the Pacific for Competitive Edge in Industry (2015/3/12〜2015/3/13),
    La Trobe University (Australia), 2015/3/13.

  2. Finite Particle Approximation of Interacting Brownian Motion (poster session),
    Stochastic Analysis and Applications (2015/8/31〜2015/9/4),
    Tohoku University (Japan), 2015/8/31.

  3. Dynamical bulk universality of Gaussian unitary ensembles (poster session),
    Forum "Math-for-Industry" 2016 (2016/11/21〜2016/11/23),
    Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Australia), 2016/11/23.

国内研究集会/ワークショップ/セミナー (Domestic Conferences / Workshops / Seminors)

  1. 無限次元確率力学の力学的収束とSDEギャップ,
    2014年度確率論ヤングサマーセミナー (2014/8/18〜2014/8/22/),
    新潟県月岡温泉, 2014/8/18.

  2. 無限次元確率力学の有限系からの力学的収束,
    九州大学, 2014/10/31.

  3. 確率幾何の普遍性に対応する無限次元確率力学の普遍性について,
    無限粒子系、確率場の諸問題X (2014/11/29〜2014/11/30/),
    横浜情報文化センター, 2014/11/29.

  4. Finite particle approximation of interacting Brownian motions corresponding to geometric universality,
    確率論シンポジウム2014 (2014/12/16〜2014/12/19),
    京都大学数理解析研究所, 2014/12/19.

  5. Universality of random matrices (invited),
    Workshop on "Random matrices, determinantal processes and integrable probability" in Beppu 2015 (2015/3/6〜2015/3/8),
    大分国際会館, 2015/3/6

  6. ランダム行列に関する無限次元SDEの有限粒子系近似,
    京都大学, 2015/7/24.

  7. Airy random point fieldに対応する無限次元SDEとその普遍性,
    2015年度確率論ヤングサマーセミナー (2015/8/17〜2015/8/21),
    鈴岡旅館(愛知県蒲郡市), 2015/8/20.

  8. Density preservation of unlabeled diffusion in systems with infinitely many particles (invited),
    Workshop on "Random matrices, determinantal processes and their related topics" (2016/3/7〜2016/3/9),
    別府ビーコンプラザ, 2016/3/8.

  9. 無限粒子系の拡散過程の密度保存性について,
    東京大学, 2016/5/9.

  10. 無限次対称群に付随する拡散過程,
    2016年度確率論ヤングサマーセミナー (2016/8/9〜2016/8/13),
    三重県伊勢市, 2016/8/10.

  11. 無限次元干渉Brown運動の密度保存性について,
    確率論サマースクール2016 (2016/9/6〜2016/9/9),
    信州大学, 2016/9/7.

  12. Density preservation of infinite-dimensional interacting Brownian motions,
    日本数学会2016年度秋季総合分科会 (2016/9/15〜2016/9/18),
    関西大学, 2016/9/15.

  13. 無限次元干渉Brown粒子系の密度保存性,
    大阪大学, 2016/12/6.

  14. Dynamic Universality for Random Matrices
    確率論シンポジウム2016 (2016/12/19〜2016/12/22),
    京都大学RIMS, 2016/12/20.

  15. ランダム行列の普遍性と力学的対応物,
    無限粒子系の確率解析学キックオフミーティング(ヤングセッション) (2017/1/23〜2017/1/25),
    九州大学, 2017/1/25.

  16. 非Hermiteランダム行列の固有値について,
    2017年度確率論ヤングサマーセミナー (2017/8/7〜2017/8/11),
    国民宿舎 良寛荘(岡山県), 2017/8/10.

  17. ランダム行列に関係する無限次元確率微分方程式について (invited),
    確率解析の諸相 (2018/1/5〜2018/1/6),
    九州大学西新プラザ, 2018/1/6.

  18. 無限粒子系の確率力学におけるMosco収束について,
    マルコフ過程とその周辺 (2018/3/7〜2018/3/8),
    福岡大学, 2018/3/8.

  19. Universality of strong and weak non-Hermitian limit (invited),
    Workshop on "Random matrices, determinantal processes and their related topics" in Beppu 2018 (2018/3/9〜2018/3/11),
    別府市ふれあい広場 サザンクロス, 2018/3/9.

  20. ランダム行列に関する普遍的な点過程間の遷移関係とその力学版,
    東京大学, 2019/1/28.

  21. Dynamical transitions between universal infinite particle systems related to random matrices,
    日本数学会 2019年度年会 (2019/3/17〜2019/3/20),
    東京工業大学, 2019/3/17.

  22. Stochastic analysis on infinite dimensional stochastic differential equations related to random matrices (invited),
    量子場の数理とその周辺 (2019/6/26〜2019/6/28),
    京都大学, 2019/6/26.

  23. On infinite particle systems related to non-tail trivial random point fields (invited),
    Stochastic analysis on infinite-particle systems II (2019/8/4),
    九州大学西新プラザ, 2019/8/4.

  24. Uniqueness of Dirichlet forms associated with non-tail trivial random point field (invited),
    The 18th Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems (2019/11/5〜2019/11/8),
    Osaka university, 2019/11/7.

  25. Transitions of generalised Bessel kernels related to biorthogonal ensembles,
    日本数学会 2020年度年会 (2020/3/16〜2020/3/19),

  26. Biorthogonal ensembleについて (invited),
    Workshop on “Random matrices, Determinantal point processes and Gaussian analytic functions” (2020/3/19),
    オンライン開催, 2021/3/19.

  27. Interacting Brownian motions in infinite dimensions related to the origin of the spectrum of random matrices,

  28. 一般化Sine点過程に関する無限次元確率微分方程式について (invited),
    大規模相互作用系の確率解析 (2021/12/7〜2021/12/9),

  29. Infinite-dimensional stochastic differential equations related to generalised sine random point fields (invited),
    Workshop on Probabilistic Methods in Statistical Mechanics of Random Media and Random Fields 2022 (2022/1/11〜2022/1/14),

  30. 無限粒子系の確率力学の末尾事象保存性について (invited)
    関西大学 確率論研究会 2022 (2022/11/12〜2022/11/13)
    関西大学, 2022/11/12.

  31. ランダム行列への誘い(I) (特別講演)
    2023年度確率論ヤングサマーセミナー (2023/8/28〜2023/8/31)
    京都産業大学, 2023/8/28.

  32. ランダム行列への誘い(II) (特別講演)
    2023年度確率論ヤングサマーセミナー (2023/8/28〜2023/8/31)
    京都産業大学, 2023/8/29.

その他, アウトリーチ活動等

  1. Ito calculusと粒子系,
    第19回Quricon (九州大学学生研究交流企画),
    九州大学, 2015/4/11.